Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Allergy test is over --- Update

Yesterday was my allergy test and it was not very fun. Once I was done we were sitting with the Allergy doc and explained to him that we need him to get the test results of the air quality check since housing told us only he can do it. His answer was "That is not true we are staying out of this we just do the allergy testing". I am really wondering why are they lying? Not that this suprises me at all. Floyd still tries to keep calling about our copy but still nobody can help us from housing. Do they have something to hide or why is it so hard in our case to get this copy????????????

Ok we went to Housing today and tried to get the copy of the test results and first we were told that the guy responsible is in the field (he is not military) couple minutes later the lady tells a other guy she dont know if he is there today or not or if he is in the field or whatever she just did not see him today. Now to us she made sure we KNOW he is in the field since days. Hmm? Floyd tried to get further and I showed them that I have photos she looked little shocked and I told her that this is in my house. All the sudden she told us to go to the other housing office and try it there.

Back in the car Floyd called the other housing office and it was at least 1 1/2hour long I am proud that he did not lose his cool. The guy on the phone said all kind of things like, they dont give out a copy of the test results but he says that there is nothing to be concerned about in our house. Floyd kept explaining to him but nope he kept saying the same thing. After a while Floyd was told to go to the doctor of Jasmine to get the results this time it is a doctor which Jasmine never been with or been seen. But the funny part is when Floyd asked how do we contact this doctor the guy from housing didnt know and he also didnt know the name of the doctor where we could request the copy.

Oh today in the commissary I meet another woman complaining her son keeps having bronchitis since living in that housing, her daughter coughing up stuff and her getting sinus problems. She said there is mold in the house but nobody is responsible. Hm...we are not alone are we?

We got orders to go back to Germany and here is now the ironic part it could happen that we get denied because of my daughters asthma which she ONLY did get because of this place here. This is just sad and I am not giving up yet. Also I do not let them give us more run around for nothing anymore. I would like to write some more but I have to bring my daughter to bed now.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Again a weekend at home and my daughter again had a real bad asthma attack

The day started at 5am with Jasmine coughing , weezing not calming down after taking her albuterol even she has a air purifier now in the room , it just got worse. I was up with her til 7am and it hurted my heart to hear her like that. So I opend the window half hour later she calmed down. Amazing cause pollen count is on high today still the outside air helped I think that is proof enough that she has NO allergies to the outside.

Each time we stay at home on the weekends she is getting sick, now Floyd had to take her to the doc and she is again on those steroid pills for five days. This is really upsetting me. Floyd tried to call Friday people to get finally the copy of the air quality check results. Since we found out that they DO give people the copy. Yes I found someone else which went thru some like this too same housing area too. I so appreciate all the information I get. Now like I wrote Friday he tried to call people but either they told him they would call back within 1hour which they did not do or they forwarded him to "other responsible" people which of course knew nothing bout it either. This is just sorry. Well Jasmine is now getting an appointment for an off post allergy doc.

Floyd also had to be seen today he needs antibiotics for his sinuses I never actually remember him having something with his sinuses this bad. Dorian keeps coughing this weekend also or should I better say weezing so nobody thinks it is just a cough? Can you tell I am not very happy right now.

I am not taking any allergy medicine as of right now and I am doing terrible, headache, sinuses, itching and so on but with me it is outside and inside still outside I feel much better than inside the house. Why I am not taking any medicine right now? Because on the 1st I have my allergy testing appointment for 50 things. Dorian got now an appointment also for the allergy clinic but in april.

Well I just wanted to write down how great the weekends are in the Ft.Hood housing for my family.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still trying to get a copy of the test results

Amazing how hard it is to get a copy of the test results from the air quality test. Well while still trying to come any further on that I thought I upload some more photos of things I see in the house wrong. Still it is not all cause in this house we had to call already a couple times maintaince cause when you did put a power plug into an outlet it just fell right back out and I am not only talking about one ore two. Let`s say we only had one or two this did not happen to.

Also closing the storage area we had all the sudden the knob in our hand. Trying to put up a gate on the stairs , without screws or anything what would hurt the wall ,the wall just breaks and now we got a hole in it.

Here are some more photos of the house for now.

This is in my daughter`s room

Also in her room

The kids bathroom in front of the bathtub

Dorian`s room

Our room

Our bathroom

And that is how it looks under the broken tile.
 Sorry but to me it does look like there is a health problem in that house and I am NOT going to give up on this.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Second Person with Asthma in the house

I am over the flu now and feeling much better. The test results came back from the house but we were told there is nothing what concerns them why we should move out of here. We told them we want a copy which seems all the sudden to be a problem, cause we suppose to call a doctor which we can not call. I know don`t make sense but ok we will ask our Allergy doctor to get the information. He is the one which told us it does not matter if Jasmine has allergies to mold fact is being exposed to mold is not good if you have allergies or not.

I am ready for the second test and I am willing to pay for it. But I am waiting until I have the copies of the first test in my hand.

Today was my appointment in the allergy clinic, now imagine that I got asthma. Wow where did that come from now? And yes from today on I have to take steroids also. That is number two. But I know there will be more in this house cause I hear them weezing. My appointment for the allergy testing is on the 1st March.

Dorian got the okay that the refferal will be put in for him to go to the allergy clinic from his provider today. Floyd needs to make still an appointment with his provider and Steven also still needs an appointment so he can get a refferal.

No I am not giving up on this cause I know what I see, I know what is wrong here and I am not giving up on that an just let it happen to my children. There is no way. My daughter has asthma ever since we moved in here never before that. She has no outdoor allergies and only allergic to cats, which we do not have. So how come that she has asthma so bad? Just out of nowhere?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jasmine`s Allergy Testing

Well I came down with the flu that is why it took me a little longer to write this post. Yesterday was Jasmine`s allergy test and no matter how miserable I felt I just had to go too. There are people which were actually hoping that she would break out to Dogs , since we have three of them and that this is the cause of her asthma. Also they were hoping it would be the pollen around here in Texas. BUT Jasmine had no reaction at all besides cats. And we do not have a cat , also there is no cat around. Now how you going to explain her asthma? Because no you can not blame it on the dogs and you can not blame it on the pollen in Texas. How do you explain that my healthy daughter all the sudden gets asthma the soonest she comes over here?

The allergy doctor wants us all to be tested. I checked why nobody called me for Dorian`s allergy appointment but all the sudden there was no referral in guess I have to make a phone call in the morning for a telephone consult to get that referral. Steven also needs one now and Floyd needs to call in for one. The allergy doctor is hoping for someone to be allergic against mold. Well I know I am and I can proof it. This is just in case the note he wrote will not help us.

I showed the allergy doctor the pictures from the house, he was shocked, so he wrote a note which is saying "History Asthma Symptoms not severe primarly Home enviroment, mold overgrowth evident from photo. Need to move into clean air enviroment"

After the appointment with the allergy doctor, Floyd called housing office about the test results from the air quality check but hmmm... still not back yet. When was this test done? Oh 27th January, it is more than 10days now. So I do not know what is taking so long but again I try to be patient.

To be honest I am tired of waiting especially when I have to hear my daughter cough like this but guess there is no other option.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How safe is the military housing?

Before AC Ducts got cleaned

Here are pictures of the inactive Ac ducts in the rooms and also the cleaned area

And here what my daughter has to take each day now. Before we got here she had to take nothing cause she was healthy.

Is the military housing safe? That is something I am really wondering the last couple of month. We were stationed in Germany, did live off post and it was great. My children were healthy, besides the normal colds every child gets once in a while.

Since September 30th we are stationed in Ft.Hood, TX. We live in military housing on post. Couple days after we got here my daughter Jasmine started coughing. But we thought all she got is a cold. October 18th she still was coughing and it started to sound really bad. We took her to the pediatric. "Allergies" , "This is Texas" were what we was told. Almost every week after that we had to take her in. Not much later I knew it is asthma or should I say I was scared it is. Doctors thought pneumonia and took an xray of her lungs. No pneumonia but signs of asthma on her lungs.

Jasmine is 4years old never had any kind of problems with Asthma. At first we thought maybe the pollen around here but then we started to realize it is ALWAYS inside the house. Outside she is doing great. While she is in Pre K she is doing great.

After calling housing office they cleaned our AC ducts, it is hard to describe how much dirt was in there. The guys which cleaned it said it looks like it didnt get cleaned for years. Now I thought after every family moving out it would be cleaned but guess I was wrong.

We were hoping after this Jasmine would find some relief. Did I mention that out of 5people living in this house, 4 are having health problems?

I looked around the house and my thought is mold. We called the housing office for three month at least, asking and begging for an air quality check. Many times we were told they would give a call back about it. But never did. So my husband kept calling them. At some point Jasmine was at 7 different medications. Still no relief for her, still regular doctor visits. My daughter was a healthy child before the move and now she can not sleep thru the night without having asthma and yes EVERY night. In the morning she has black bags under her eyes, looking like she didn`t sleep for month. Looking likek a real sick child. She coughs up really nasty mucus in the morning. It got the color between dark brown and dark green. her nose is also always stuffed up. She complains often about headaches and pains in arms and legs.

My husband called again and was told he didn`t fill out a form of the hospital which is needed in order to get an air quality check. A form nobody told us about until then. We were told he would stop by our house and bring the form. 5pm that day still no form. Someone told us about ICE , my husband wrote a complaint and within 5minutes after submitting that complaint he got a call. The same night we got the form and apologies. Honestly I thought finally something is going to happen.

But again my husband had to keep calling them and asking for an air quality check. Last week of January, after I read the article in the Army Times about the 11 babies dying in Ft.Bragg i was ready to go wherever I needed to, to finally get something done. I told my husband that I want to talk to the Post Commander about this. He called the people for the test again , telling them what I want to do. They told him that if that is what I would want to do they could not tell me not to do it. But within 24hours we had our air quality test done. Test results will take 7-10days to be back. We still waiting but it should be any day now.

Jasmine still has asthma at this point she is taking steroids again. She is going to have an allergy test done 8th February.

Dorian got sinus problems and a lot of headache inside the house. On bad days he is weezing. He also got a refferal for an allergy testing. We did not get a call yet about it but Monday I will call and ask about that.

My husband got on bad days also weezing. Nose and throat problems inside the house.

I have real bad sinus problems also throat problems. On bad days weezing. In the morning my eyes are super puffy. Only feeling sick inside the house.

All four of us cough up nasty mucus in the morning and all of us feel better outside the house. Which is ackward since I have severe allergies and even the pollen is high I feel better outside than inside the house.

My oldest son Steven seems to be fine, that is what made me move Jasmine inside his room. She is doing better in there but still she has asthma every night. It is heartbreaking for me as a mother.

While waiting on getting this test done one nurse told me about her friend with a small baby. The baby`s room wall had mold on it , she called in and it got painted over it. Like that is going to make the mold less dangerous.

Also we were told on base we would not be able to find a house with any kind of mold. So they know it??? Still they let families move in those houses like this? Aren`t they suppose to provide safe housing for the families?

I started this blog cause I want to, from now on write all down. Hoping also to find more people out there with the same experience. Also I just want to write it down to keep track of all what is going on. There is so much more but too much for only one day to write.